Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Day Program
Park Center offers a comprehensive day program for people who have mental illness and substance use disorders.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Day Program
Park Center offers a dynamic program of recovery for people seeking support for their mental health. Through peer relationships and learning activities, we provide a safe place where talents and abilities of members are recognized, and those who wish to lead productive lives are supported.
Our program hours are Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-1:30 pm. Lunch is provided daily and you are invited! Connection to TennCare transportation available.
Park Center believes in responding to individuals' strengths and abilities, rather than their illness. People who attend Park Center are called "members" because they choose to attend the day program and work towards their own recovery. Through educational groups and peer support, Park Center provides a compassionate and safe atmosphere to maximize opportunities for recovery.
Goals of the program include providing members with the education they need to self-manage their illness and their lives; preparing members to work in the community; offering opportunities for peer support; and increasing an individual's independence.
- Co-Occurring Groups
- Art Therapy
- Community integration
- Yoga classes
- Nutrition and wellness classes
- Independent living skills (bus training, budgeting, etc.)
- Adults (age 18 and over) who have a mental health diagnosis
- If concerns have not been addressed or diagnosed, assessment is offered at intake
- Must have TennCare insurance
Make a Referral
To get connected to our services, please complete one of the referral forms below.
If you are interested in Permanent Supportive Housing please contact Coordinated Entry at the Office of Homeless Services: 615 862 6992.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation is accredited by CARF.