Supported Employment
Supported Employment
Park Center's Supported Employment team helps individuals with a wide range of abilities and experience to obtain and maintain competitive employment. We provide extra support to find the right job and the ongoing follow-up necessary to ensure success.

Supported Employment
Park Center's Supported Employment team works with individuals to obtain and maintain competitive employment. They provide the extra support a person may need to find the right job and the ongoing follow-up necessary to ensure success on the job.
IPS Specialists assist with all phases of employment:
- Resume Building/Job applications
- Interview skills
- Appropriate interview clothing
- Conflict Resolution
- Eligibility is based on choice and does not depend on where you are in your recovery
- Staff will speak with employers on your behalf within 30 days of enrollment
Park Center's Supported Employment program utilizes the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) method of delivering services, which is themost extensively researched method of its kind. Park Center was the firstagency in Tennessee to implement the IPS method. Principles of IPS include:
- A focus on competitive employment
- Eligibility is based on choice and does not depend on where they are in their recovery
- Integration of rehabilitation and mental health services
- Attention to worker preferences
- Personalized benefits counseling
- Rapid job search happens within 30 days of program entry
- Systematic job development through building relationships with a diverse group of employers in the community
- Time-unlimited and individualized support for as long as the member desires
- Person-centered planning and development of job goals
- Assistance with resume development and completing job applications
- Mock job interviews and support through the actual interview process
- Assistance with job placement
- On-the-job training when necessary
- Continued support for as long as the individual determines
Supported Employment
Park Center's Supported Employment team works with individuals to obtain and maintain competitive employment. They provide the extra support a person may need to find the right job and the ongoing follow-up necessary to ensure success on the job.
Park Center's Supported Employment program utilizes the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) method of delivering services, which is the most extensively researched method of its kind, and Park Center was the first agency in Tennessee to implement the IPS method. Principles of IPS include:
- A focus on competitive employment
- Eligibility is based on choice and does not depend on where they are in their recovery
- Integration of rehabilitation and mental health services
- Attention to worker preferences
- Personalized benefits counseling
- Rapid job search happens within 30 days of program entry
- Systematic job development through building relationships with a diverse group of employers in the community
- Time-unlimited and individualized support for as long as the member desires
- Person-centered planning and development of job goals
- Assistance with resume development and completing job applications
- Mock job interviews and support through the actual interview process
- Assistance with job placement
- On-the-job training when necessary
- Continued support for as long as the individual determines
- For adults with a mental health diagnosis and/or co-occurring disorder
- If concerns have not been addressed/diagnosed, assessment is offered at intake
- Serves Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, and Wilson counties
- Zero Exclusion - People are not excluded on the basis of readiness, diagnoses, symptoms, substance use history, psychiatric hospitalizations, homelessness, level of disability, or legal system involvement.
*This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
Make a Referral
To get connected to our services, please complete one of the referral forms below.
If you are interested in Permanent Supportive Housing please contact Coordinated Entry at the Office of Homeless Services: 615 862 6992.

Supported Employment is accredited by CARF.